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Samsung is preparing to tee up its next flagship Galaxy smartphone against a scene of growing rumors concerning rival Apple’s 2017 iPhone.

Expected to be declared by the tip of March, the next-gen Samsung Galaxy S8 models can sport larger displays than current models — five.8 inches and vi.2 inches severally, per recent reports, most notably within the Guardian and Venture Beat.

Samsung, for the primary time, can also standardize on curving organic LED (OLED) “dual-edge” displays. To date, the thought Galaxy models haven’t had a curving show. as an example, the Galaxy S7 (5.1 inches) doesn’t have a curving show, whereas the pricier S7 Edge (5.5 inches) will. A show with curving edges provides a lot of show space while not increasing the size of the phone.

One neat trick that Samsung is anticipated to drag off with the S8 is covering the front of the phone with a lot of show space by shrinking the bezels, or show borders, on the highest and bottom of the phone, as affiliate Samsung show has hinted at in recent videos. Samsung is additionally expected to regulate the magnitude relation|ratio} (the ratio of the dimension to the peak of the screen) of the show. each of those developments can enable Samsung to reduce a rise within the overall size of the phone.

APPLE’S IPHONE ‘X’ may cost a little the maximum amount AS A MACBOOK

Other highlights, as realized by Evan Blass at Venture Beat, area unit new processors that boost overall performance by eleven p.c whereas conjointly being a lot of energy economical.

“That improved power consumption are essential, as a result of despite the immensely multiplied show sizes, battery capability is alleged to be a comparatively conservative…for the five.8-inch and vi.2-inch styles, severally,” Blass wrote.

And a reported customary feature which will doubtless please customers is that the 64GB of baseline storage – up from 32GB on the Galaxy S7. the choice for an extra 256GB microSD card can stay.

Other rumored specs embody a USB-C port for charging, a 3.5mm electro-acoustic transducer jack (which Apple born on the iPhone 7), a 12-megapixel rear camera and front-facing 8-megapixel selfie camera.


Samsung is additionally reported to ditch the physical home button in favor of software package buttons. and also the fingerprint sensing element are on the rear of the phone. Note that neither of those latter reported changes would be groundbreaking. The Google picture element, as an example, has no physical home button and has the fingerprint sensing element on the rear.

And the price? Blass expects each models to be pricier than the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge. presumably $100 a lot of. each area unit expected to travel on sale April twenty one.

OLED iPhone 8/X can follow Galaxy S8

Samsung and Apple area unit barred in an exceedingly tight market share battle. on market investigator Gartner aforesaid Apple shipped a lot of phones within the fourth quarter than Samsung, the primary time since the fourth quarter of 2014.

And reports concerning the Galaxy S8 area unit vying with a flurry of latest reports concerning Apple’s approaching iPhone eight (or iPhone X as some on Wall Street area unit business it), due later this year.


MacRumors cited Associate in Nursing analyst report on that aforesaid the OLED iPhone eight can feature a five.8-inch show “with five.15 inches of usable screen area.” whereas the iPhone 8’s show is anticipated to require up the complete front of the phone, some of that area are dedicated to “virtual buttons.”

The overall physical size of the phone is alleged to be like the four.7-inch iPhone seven, which might yield easier one-handed operation.

“Such a size is feasible with a five.8-inch [display] panel as a result of there’ll be no further area outside of the show,” MacRumors aforesaid, pertaining to the elimination of bezels.

Apple is additionally expected to extend battery capability — while not increasing the dimensions of the phone — by adopting a sophisticated stacked board.

Samsung and Apple failed to answer letter of invitation for comment from Fox News.